HVRP Announces Exciting Opportunity for Vets

December 9, 2009

For several years, homeless veterans have relied upon HVRP (Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program) to help them find employment and housing.  And the HVRP staff has been committed to developing jobs and housing in the local community.  But today, HVRP takes pride in announcing a joint project with Call Centers International that enables HVRP to directly select veterans for jobs.  And you could be one of the veterans who qualifies for this unique opportunity.

HVRP is recruiting veterans to work as community representatives developing charitable support from the public to serve those who have already proven themselves through service to their country, yet now find themselves in need.  From a Call Center located in the Keystone Corridor, veterans will solicit directly from the citizens of Indianapolis funds needed to support employment, housing, and training initiatives for fellow veterans who cannot speak for themselves.

This is an opportunity for you, as a veteran, to represent those who have served with you, to ensure that they receive the respect that they have earned, and to demonstrate that we do not leave our wounded behind.

For additional information, call 317-931-3055.  Ask for Ken Griffin, HVRP Director, Homeless Initiative Program (1835 North Meridian).

–David Richardson, Employment Coordinator

HVRP-INDY Works for Indianapolis Veterans

December 9, 2009

The Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program helps Indianapolis-area veterans find employment and housing in a difficult market.  We are an organization of veterans serving veterans, and we provide the assistance veterans need to transition successfully to civilian life.

What kind of services?  Services that include:

  1. Resume Assistance,
  2. Job Search Training,
  3. Guided Job Search,
  4. Supportive Services, and
  5. and more.

But don’t take our word for it.  Come see us.  Find out how HVRP-INDY can help you.  Call 317-931-3055 to make an appointment.  Ask for HVRP.  Our staff is eager to help you find your way to a better life.

–David Richardson, Employment Coordinator